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Celebrating Learning

Pippa you are always so diligent with your work.  You enjoy and embrace challenges and you know that it is ok to make mistakes as you learn from these.  Keep up the great work!
Myra you have great maths knowledge and strategies.  Keep working hard and challenging yourself.  It is great how you embrace challenging tasks. 
Amber you always use excellence to complete every task.  Keep up the great work!
Well done Corbin!  You are using some excellent maths strategies.  Keep up the great work.
Sehaj you are a whizz on the computer.  I have noticed that you will go away and practice using new apps and become the class expert.  Your blog is always up to date.  Well done!
Anthony you have been working hard to complete all your work on time and to a better standard each time.  You have been managing yourself well.  Keep up the good work.
Broden you always manage yourself well.  I have noticed how you are always on task and working hard to comp
lete work to the best of your ability.  It is great that you are asking for help if you don't understand.  Keep up the good work.
Seb you have so many wonder ideas and vocab that you are including in your writing.  Your Big vs BIGGER story was creative and included lots of WOW words.
Sheree you have managed yourself so well this week.  I noticed that you moved to a better working space so that you could concentrate on your work without distraction - great managing self.  You have also noticed how to be a better leader and this week I was pleased to see YOU being that great leader.  I was awesome to see you encouraging others to have a go at Rippa Rugby. 
Theo you have created an amazing narrative this week.  Your storyline flowed well because of your thoughtful ideas.  You included lots of powerful language which created impact.  You are also managing yourself very well and getting work done on time and to a high standard.
Ella you are a great learning buddy.  You know how to help teach your buddy rather than just telling them the answer.  You ask great questions so that your buddies can solve problems themselves.  Well done!
Well done Luke.  Last week I really noticed you working hard to learn Maths strategies to help solve problems.
Keep up the good work!
Well done Miss Skye.  I thoroughly enjoyed reading your script about the two hawks.  Now let's bring it to life by acting it out.  You have such a fabulous imagination and a way with words.  I look forward to reading many more pieces of your writing.  
Well done Patrick.  You get the EXCELLENCE award this week.  You have been trying your very best to create good pieces of writing.  It is great to see that you know how to improve your writing.  Keep up the good work learning about punctuation.
Adam I am thankful to have such a wonderful and courtesy young man in our class.  I can always rely on you to be doing what has been asked.  You get on with your work and try your very best.  You work hard to solve challenging problems.
Jayla you always try so hard to do your best.  It is great to see that you are confident to share your thoughtful ideas and knowledge with the class.  I love that you are always smiling.  You are always so caring and kind to everyone.


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